Virginia Gollan is the creator and maker of Healthy Hound Treats. It was while studying canine massage and bodywork that Virginia became more aware of canine nutrition and the importance of not only species appropriate and preservative free meals for dogs but, also for their dog treats. Virginia started making her own dehydrated treats for her Westie Hamish as she wanted him to have dog treats made with fresh Australian human grade ingredients that were low in fat and which had no added preservatives, chemicals or colourings.
Hamish is the inspiration behind Healthy Hound Treats ( Hemskirk Hamish Golan 2005 - 2020 )
Healthy Hound Treats are also available for purchase at the following markets:-
Northside Produce Market, 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month, North Sydney
Le Marche French Markets - Entertainment Quarter, 1st Sunday of the month, Moore Park, Woolwich Dock, 2nd Sunday of the Month, Woolwich, and Laurelbank, 4th Sunday of the month, Willoughby